业务流程的自动化和数字化导致信息系统中捕获的大量数据,这可以帮助企业更好地理解其流程,改善工作流或提供运营支持。通过对正在进行的过程进行预测,可以识别瓶颈并重新分配资源,以及在过程实例的状态(案例)中获得的见解。传统上,数据是以带有单个识别案例概念的事件日志的形式从系统中提取的,例如用于现金订单(O2C)流程的订单ID。但是,实际过程通常具有多种对象类型,例如订单,项目和软件包,因此强制使用单个案例概念的格式不会反映数据中的基本关系。引入了以对象为中心的事件日志(OCEL)格式,以正确捕获此信息。最先进的预测方法仅根据传统事件日志量身定制。该论点表明,可以使用OCEL中包含的丰富数据来增强一种利用生成对抗网络(GAN),长期记忆(LSTM)体系结构(SEQ2SEQ)的预测方法。 OCEL中的对象可以具有可用于预测下一个事件和时间戳的属性,例如对于对象类型包的优先类属性,指示速度较慢或更快地处理。在预测剩余事件的序列相似性和时间戳的平均绝对误差(MAE)的指标中,本文中的方法匹配或超过了先前的研究,具体取决于所选对象属性是否是模型的有用特征。此外,本文提供了一个Web界面,以预测用户输入中的下一个活动序列。
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Data-centric artificial intelligence (data-centric AI) represents an emerging paradigm emphasizing that the systematic design and engineering of data is essential for building effective and efficient AI-based systems. The objective of this article is to introduce practitioners and researchers from the field of Information Systems (IS) to data-centric AI. We define relevant terms, provide key characteristics to contrast the data-centric paradigm to the model-centric one, and introduce a framework for data-centric AI. We distinguish data-centric AI from related concepts and discuss its longer-term implications for the IS community.
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The evolution of wireless communications into 6G and beyond is expected to rely on new machine learning (ML)-based capabilities. These can enable proactive decisions and actions from wireless-network components to sustain quality-of-service (QoS) and user experience. Moreover, new use cases in the area of vehicular and industrial communications will emerge. Specifically in the area of vehicle communication, vehicle-to-everything (V2X) schemes will benefit strongly from such advances. With this in mind, we have conducted a detailed measurement campaign with the purpose of enabling a plethora of diverse ML-based studies. The resulting datasets offer GPS-located wireless measurements across diverse urban environments for both cellular (with two different operators) and sidelink radio access technologies, thus enabling a variety of different studies towards V2X. The datasets are labeled and sampled with a high time resolution. Furthermore, we make the data publicly available with all the necessary information to support the on-boarding of new researchers. We provide an initial analysis of the data showing some of the challenges that ML needs to overcome and the features that ML can leverage, as well as some hints at potential research studies.
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This paper describes several improvements to a new method for signal decomposition that we recently formulated under the name of Differentiable Dictionary Search (DDS). The fundamental idea of DDS is to exploit a class of powerful deep invertible density estimators called normalizing flows, to model the dictionary in a linear decomposition method such as NMF, effectively creating a bijection between the space of dictionary elements and the associated probability space, allowing a differentiable search through the dictionary space, guided by the estimated densities. As the initial formulation was a proof of concept with some practical limitations, we will present several steps towards making it scalable, hoping to improve both the computational complexity of the method and its signal decomposition capabilities. As a testbed for experimental evaluation, we choose the task of frame-level piano transcription, where the signal is to be decomposed into sources whose activity is attributed to individual piano notes. To highlight the impact of improved non-linear modelling of sources, we compare variants of our method to a linear overcomplete NMF baseline. Experimental results will show that even in the absence of additional constraints, our models produce increasingly sparse and precise decompositions, according to two pertinent evaluation measures.
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We introduce a novel way to incorporate prior information into (semi-) supervised non-negative matrix factorization, which we call differentiable dictionary search. It enables general, highly flexible and principled modelling of mixtures where non-linear sources are linearly mixed. We study its behavior on an audio decomposition task, and conduct an extensive, highly controlled study of its modelling capabilities.
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Audio Spectrogram Transformer models rule the field of Audio Tagging, outrunning previously dominating Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Their superiority is based on the ability to scale up and exploit large-scale datasets such as AudioSet. However, Transformers are demanding in terms of model size and computational requirements compared to CNNs. We propose a training procedure for efficient CNNs based on offline Knowledge Distillation (KD) from high-performing yet complex transformers. The proposed training schema and the efficient CNN design based on MobileNetV3 results in models outperforming previous solutions in terms of parameter and computational efficiency and prediction performance. We provide models of different complexity levels, scaling from low-complexity models up to a new state-of-the-art performance of .483 mAP on AudioSet. Source Code available at: https://github.com/fschmid56/EfficientAT
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Lidar-based SLAM systems perform well in a wide range of circumstances by relying on the geometry of the environment. However, even mature and reliable approaches struggle when the environment contains structureless areas such as long hallways. To allow the use of lidar-based SLAM in such environments, we propose to add reflector markers in specific locations that would otherwise be difficult. We present an algorithm to reliably detect these markers and two approaches to fuse the detected markers with geometry-based scan matching. The performance of the proposed methods is demonstrated on real-world datasets from several industrial environments.
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For Lifelong SLAM, one has to deal with temporary localization failures, e.g., induced by kidnapping. We achieve this by starting a new map and merging it with the previous map as soon as relocalization succeeds. Since relocalization methods are fallible, it can happen that such a merge is invalid, e.g., due to perceptual aliasing. To address this issue, we propose methods to detect and undo invalid merges. These methods compare incoming scans with scans that were previously merged into the current map and consider how well they agree with each other. Evaluation of our methods takes place using a dataset that consists of multiple flat and office environments, as well as the public MIT Stata Center dataset. We show that methods based on a change detection algorithm and on comparison of gridmaps perform well in both environments and can be run in real-time with a reasonable computational cost.
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Humans intuitively solve tasks in versatile ways, varying their behavior in terms of trajectory-based planning and for individual steps. Thus, they can easily generalize and adapt to new and changing environments. Current Imitation Learning algorithms often only consider unimodal expert demonstrations and act in a state-action-based setting, making it difficult for them to imitate human behavior in case of versatile demonstrations. Instead, we combine a mixture of movement primitives with a distribution matching objective to learn versatile behaviors that match the expert's behavior and versatility. To facilitate generalization to novel task configurations, we do not directly match the agent's and expert's trajectory distributions but rather work with concise geometric descriptors which generalize well to unseen task configurations. We empirically validate our method on various robot tasks using versatile human demonstrations and compare to imitation learning algorithms in a state-action setting as well as a trajectory-based setting. We find that the geometric descriptors greatly help in generalizing to new task configurations and that combining them with our distribution-matching objective is crucial for representing and reproducing versatile behavior.
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